Welcome to our latest New Moon Candle!.
Filled with Essential Oil and Herbs perfect for connecting you to the Power of the New Moon!
Perfect for your New Moon Rituals and intention setting.
Light on the night of the Full Moon, burn paper with Sigils and words relating to your Intentions.
Repeat each night gaining in Power working through the Waxing moon up the Full moon.
To add potency you could wash the Paper with one of our Spell Blends such as Merlin's Well (to add power to your Spell), Ever Flowing Cauldron (for abundance and prosperity), Oengus's Heart (for love) or Cauldron of Rebirth (for healing and transformation).
You could even write your intention and Sigils with one of our inks for example Dragons Blood Ink for a truly Powerful and Transformative Spell/Ritual/Working.
Product details
- 152 gm weight
- 4.5" Height, 1.5" Width
- Made from Beeswax natural dye, ground Herbs, 100 drops of essential oils